Condition Precedent
This Agreement is subject to a condition precedent that you are offered and accept an initial engagement by GOAL to you to work for one of GOAL’s clients (Client) on an on-hire basis under the terms initially specified at
Schedule 2 (provided on offer of an engagement) and any subsequent engagements using the same schedule (each an
Assignment) and you commence working on that Assignment.
Nature of your Employment
You are employed by GOAL as a casual employee.
This means that:
- you are paid, and your employment and engagements are administered by GOAL;
- each casual shift you work is a separate period of employment;
- there is no guarantee that you will be offered any pattern or number of casual shifts or Assignments by GOAL or that you will be offered any casual shifts or Assignments at all;
- GOAL is not obliged to offer you work and does not guarantee that you will have ongoing work; and
- you may accept or reject any offers of work, or any Assignment, made to you by GOAL.
- You warrant that as a casual employee you have no expectation of ongoing, regular, or systematic Assignments and there is no commitment as to any Assignments by GOAL or the duration of any such Assignments.
- Subject to eligibility provisions in the Fair Work Act, Casual employees may be offered a permanent position after 6 months of continuous work.
On Hire terms:
You are employed as a casual on-hire employee of GOAL, which means that:
- you are employed by GOAL to perform work for GOAL’s Clients on Assignments;
- the amount and type of work you receive whilst on Assignment will be determined by the Client’s requirements for temporary labour services, and GOAL or the Client may therefore terminate an Assignment at any time at their discretion;
- your work on an Assignment is conditional upon you complying with all reasonable and lawful directions that GOAL or the Client gives you and you meeting all performance, behavioural, safety and conduct requirements set for you by GOAL or the Client;
- you are not entitled to ongoing work on any particular Assignment or upon the cessation of that Assignment directly with GOAL;
- the terms and conditions of any Assignment may differ from Assignment to Assignment and may be altered during the course of the Assignment;
- the end of an Assignment does not mean your casual employment has been terminated however you continue to have no guarantee of ongoing work and each Assignment continues to constitute a separate period of employment;
- at the cessation of an Assignment you are not entitled to any severance or termination payment; •you are at all times during an Assignment an employee of GOAL and are subject to GOAL’s control and direction and that of our clients.
Notification of Approach by Client:
You agree to notify GOAL immediately upon any approach by a Client of GOAL to work directly for that Client in any capacity other than as authorised by GOAL.
Employment Duties:
During any Assignments you will:
- act in good faith in, and for, the best interests of GOAL;
- behave in a manner that reflects positively on a worksite, in transit to and from work, in a township or site village or in your dealing with a Client, their employees or the general public;
- perform your work to the highest professional and ethical standards (including acting with trust and integrity in all your dealings);
- avoid conflicts of interest and immediately disclose to us if you suspect a potential conflict of interest may arise;
- treat others that you come into contact with in your Assignment with respect and not engage in any bullying, discriminatory or harassing behaviour;
- abide by any other lawful and reasonable direction given to you, including with respect to occupational safety and health as set out below; and
- honestly and faithfully answer any question asked of you by GOAL about your work, Assignment, or employment at any time
You agree to phone either your Manager or GOAL if you are unable to attend work for any reason, at least one hour prior to the start time of that shift or, if that is not practicable, as soon as is practicable.
If you are unable to call your Manager or GOAL, you agree to arrange for another person to make contact on your behalf.
Adelaide Office: (08) 8450 1200
Brisbane Office: (07) 3827 5900
Broken Hill Office: 0408 314 864
Darwin Office: (08) 8942 6666
Devonport Office: (03) 6311 1799
Eastern Creek Office: (02) 8881 0901
Gladstone Office: (07) 4970 0800
Hobart Office: (03) 6248 4840
Melbourne Office: (03) 8842 1666
Newcastle Office: (02) 4044 0412
Perth Office: (08) 6253 9800
Singleton Office: (02) 5504 4500
Townsville Office: (07) 4771 8200
Please contact the office through which you were employed. These are 24 hour, 7 day week numbers, that divert to a consultant’s mobile for after-hours.
Occupational Safety and Health:
In your Assignments you will:
- At all times abide by the safe working practices and guidelines contained in the GOAL Safety Handbook (which GOAL may in its discretion add to, vary, or revoke from time to time) and those rules and safe working practices of GOAL’s Clients.
- Take reasonable care for your own health and safety in the workplace and reasonable care for the health and safety of those who may be affected by actions you do or do not take.
- Advise your direct Client Supervisor on-site immediately and then GOAL, if you believe that the working conditions on a Client site are unsafe.
- Not carry out work on a Client site that you consider to be unsafe.
- Advise GOAL if the Client is not respecting safety requirements or is not maintaining plant and equipment in a safe working condition.
- Report all work-related injuries to your direct Supervisor on site and GOAL, immediately the incident occurs.
- Not work on or use any equipment that you do not hold a valid Australian issued ticket to use.
- Advise GOAL if your duties or the site location changes during an Assignment.
- Where practical, not to work any more than 12.5 hours in any one shift, have a minimum rest period between shifts of 10 hours
Fitness for Work, Medical, Drug & Alcohol Testing:
- GOAL has a Fitness for Work Policy. It is not incorporated into these Standard Terms and Conditions however you are required to familiarise yourself with it and comply with it.
- The requirements of the Policy include being fit for work when commencing and during employment with GOAL and assignment to our Clients and that GOAL and Client workplaces are drug and alcohol free and that a blood alcohol level of 0.00% is required when working at GOAL or Client workplaces
- You are required to inform GOAL and the Client if at any time you believe you may be in contravention of the Fitness for Work Policy, including if you believe you are unfit for work as a result of prescription or other drug use, fatigue, a medical condition or other causes. In such circumstances, you should not commence or continue work.
- You irrevocably consent to participate in fitness for duty medical assessments and/or drug and alcohol testing if required by GOAL, and for the results of that and other personal, sensitive or health information to be shared inside GOAL or with GOAL’s advisors.
GOAL maintains a number of policies and procedures which we may in our discretion add to, vary, or revoke databases, our business or marketing plans, employee information, price lists, rates schedules, terms of business, market research, presentations, capability statements, from time to time. Our policies and procedures are not incorporated into your contract of employment and do.
not confer any contractual entitlements on you of any kind, however you are required to regularly familiarise yourself with and comply with them. Policies are displayed in each GOAL office and can also be found in GOAL’s Safety Handbook
Inductions and Training:
- You agree to not start work on an Assignment unless you have been fully inducted by GOAL’s Client and have full understanding of the:
-hazards and risks specific to the workplace and control measures for those risks
-safety documentation specific to the workplace
-incident, emergency, and evacuation procedures
-layout of the workplace including entries and exists, loading and unloading areas, location of facilities, first aid and security requirements
- You agree to participate in training as required by GOAL or its Client
Personal Protective Equipment:
- You agree to correctly wear and maintain all the required PPE in a serviceable condition.
- The minimum standard of PPE for all GOAL employees is a long sleeve shirt, long trousers, ankle high lace-up steel cap boots, safety glasses, hard hat, and hearing protection.
- Each site will have different PPE requirements. These will be advised to you on your Assignment Details sheet, prior to starting work on an Assignment.
- You must ensure that you present yourself for work on an Assignment wearing the appropriate clothing and footwear and do not commence work unless wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) for the intended task.
GOAL does not insure your belongings as a condition of employment.
Licences and Permits
It is an inherent requirement of your role that you obtain and keep current all necessary accreditations, licences, permits and qualifications (including working with children and background police checks) which we require you to get to qualify for or perform your role (Permits). If at any time you suspect that you may imminently lose a Permit, you must notify GOAL and your Manager immediately.
You must not either during your employment or thereafter, without GOAL’s prior written consent or
as otherwise required by law disclose directly or
indirectly to any person or entity, transmit, copy, remove or attempt to use any part of GOAL’s
Confidential Information.
Confidential Information means (without limitation) all
Client, prospective Client and GOAL, business, confidential or sensitive information disclosed to or learned by you in connection with your duties, including but not limited to information from our Client product specification, financial and accounting information, contractor and supplier information, business policy and know-how, service and product concept plans, designs or any other information disclosed to you in a manner which a reasonable person would consider to be confidential.
Intellectual Property:
All intellectual property rights arising in connection with your employment or with the use of GOAL’s property or the property of a Client, or Confidential Information is GOAL’s property or the property of our Client, as applicable. You irrevocably consent to any act or omission by GOAL or a Client which might otherwise infringe your moral rights in any works that you produce.
- For work performed, you will receive the remuneration set out in the applicable Assignment Details - Schedule 2.
- Your Minimum Hourly Rate is set in accordance with the relevant Industrial Instrument that applies to an Assignment. This means that if the Industrial Instrument that applies to an Assignment changes, your rate of pay may also change.
- You are entitled to the casual loading specified in Schedule 2 for all ordinary hours worked as a casual employee.
- You irrevocably acknowledge and agree that because you are entitled to the casual loading, you are not entitled to any: paid annual leave, paid personal leave, notice of termination (other than as may be prescribed by these terms or any Award or Agreement that applies to you in an Assignment) or redundancy pay.
- You acknowledge and agree that any amounts paid to you which are, or have been at any time, in excess of legislative requirements are paid to you in satisfaction of and compensation for any monetary amount payable to you under any law, enterprise agreement, modern award or other applicable industrial instrument (Minimum Entitlements).
- Your rate of pay for the purpose of calculating any such Minimum Entitlements shall be the minimum rate of pay in the applicable Award or Agreement on an Assignment and not any greater amount specified in Schedule 2 or otherwise paid to you.
- The Company is entitled to apply any payments greater than the base rate of pay in the applicable Award or Agreement on an Assignment or other benefits paid to you in excess of statutory entitlements in satisfaction of any minimum entitlements to which you may become entitled.
If you are later found by a Court or Tribunal to be employed on a basis other than as a casual employee, you agree that the Company may offset the casual loading paid to you on an Assignment against any compensation or damages ordered or any monetary benefits of permanent employment you are found to be entitled to (including without limitation any monetary amount which may be required to be paid to you for or in connection with a leave entitlement, paid annual or personal leave, notice of termination or redundancy pay).
You must provide GOAL with a properly completed timesheet by the designated day each week in which you perform work on an Assignment. If you do not provide your timesheet in accordance with GOAL’s requirements, your pay may be delayed until a properly completed timesheet is received by GOAL.
Leave Entitlements:
As a casual employee, you are not entitled to leave, except for some forms of unpaid leave as provided by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) or the applicable Award or Industrial Instrument
As per legislative requirements.
Termination or Ending an Assignment:
- As a casual employee your employment is by the hour and engagement by engagement only.
- Either party may end your Assignment or terminate this agreement upon giving the other party one hours’ notice.
- As an employee, you agree that any costs incurred may result in you being invoiced for the payment of these costs including, but not limited, to the following:
- Failure to hand in access, locker, or room keys. Missing items or wilful damage of equipment and facilities
- If you are directed to leave the site due to misconduct / accommodation withdrawal, or if you leave prior to the completion of your duties / roster without the Clients’ approval, you will be required to cover your own demobilisation costs which include accommodation, freight and travel.
If your Assignment has been ended due to disciplinary reasons your employment with GOAL may be terminated.
Governing Law:
This Agreement is governed by of the State or Territory in which you are employed.
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